We Would See Jesus: Discovering God's Provision for You in Christ (Simplified Chinese Edition)

We Would See Jesus: Discovering God's Provision for You in Christ (Simplified Chinese Edition)

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ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: What is the purpose of my life? This is the one question to which so many are longing to find the answer. When we turn to the Bible we find a clear and simple answer to this fundamental question: the purpose of life is to know, and to love, and to walk with God-that is, to see God. The remarkable central reality of Christianity is that God has made himself known in such a way that he is understandable, accessible, and desirable to the simplest and most fearful of us. He has done so in his Son, through whom he made the world and who, having humbled himself to take on our flesh and blood to redeem us from sin and death, has sat down at the right hand of his Father. That Son is Jesus. Nowhere else can we fully see God but in the face of Jesus Christ. The theme of We Would See Jesus is: JESUS. He has come to take us out of slavery to sin and self and to set us free to serve him in the freshness and spontaneity of the Spirit. Here Roy and Revel Hession show us that, if seeing God is life's purpose, then seeing Jesus is the answer. CHINESE DESCRIPTION: 我的人生有何意义?千万人渴望找到这基要问题的答案。翻开圣经,发现答案既清楚又简单:人生的意义就是要认识神、爱慕神、与神同行--就是要看见神。基督信仰引人注目的核心现实,在于神彰显自己,让最简单、最容易受怕的人,都能明白祂、接近祂、渴望祂。神透过独生子创造世界,也在独生子身上成就此事。子亦降卑成为血肉之身,拯救人脱离罪恶死亡,现坐在天父右边。子就是耶稣。只有在耶稣基督的面上,我们才完全看见神。 《愿见耶稣》的主题是「耶稣」。祂来救我们脱离罪恶和自我的捆绑,释放我们,让我们能在圣灵的清新和自发中侍奉祂。作者韩莱尔和韩莉芙向我们展示,看见神若是人生的意义,看见耶稣就是人生的答案。
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