Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis

Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis

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Extradimensional Vehicles, Ancient Nephilim Technology, and Interstellar Prophecies Revealed! For years, the extraterrestrial hypothesis has dominated the field of ufology. However, there is another theory that might provide more substantial answers to the UFO phenomenon. In Cherubim Chariots, researcher and author Josh Peck explores the fringe of the extradimensional hypothesis to show the stunning possibility that UFOs and their pilots originate from a higher dimension. Discover answers to paradigm-shifting questions, such as: -Were extradimensional craft and other-worldly beings reported in antiquity? -Who are the mysterious cherubim and what is their role in the affairs of mankind? -Did nonhuman entities leave behind evidence showing their extradimensional nature? -Are higher dimensions interacting with our own? -Are there prophecies pointing to a possible return of extradimensional beings? -What is our true origin? -How do we prepare for what is ahead? And much more! The definitive guide to extradimensional intelligences is here at last!
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