The master of chiromancy wrote this classic guidebook to aid the aspiring student of plam reading. In doing so, he revealed the arcane secrets of the craft so long hidden from the eyes of common men. Learn to read the future and divine tomorrow in the mysterious lines writtten into the human hand at birth. Entertain and enlighten your friends and loved ones with your spectaculr insights into their romances, relationships, careers and so much more! Illustrated with full illustrations and diagrams, this classic book is presented here for the aspiring seeker, student, mystic and those that just want to liven up the next party or social occasion.
The master of chiromancy wrote this classic guidebook to aid the aspiring student of plam reading. In doing so, he revealed the arcane secrets of the craft so long hidden from the eyes of common men. Learn to read the future and divine tomorrow in the mysterious lines writtten into the human hand at birth. Entertain and enlighten your friends and loved ones with your spectaculr insights into their romances, relationships, careers and so much more! Illustrated with full illustrations and diagrams, this classic book is presented here for the aspiring seeker, student, mystic and those that just want to liven up the next party or social occasion.