A gripping tale set in post-World War II Napa, California. Follow Kiki Moore, a young girl with a mysterious sixth sense, as she navigates family upheaval, eerie discoveries, and the challenges of being an Air Force child. With a backdrop of historical intrigue and personal growth, this story promises suspense, heartwarming moments, and a touch of the supernatural. Perfect for readers who love a blend of history, mystery, and coming-of-age drama.
A gripping tale set in post-World War II Napa, California. Follow Kiki Moore, a young girl with a mysterious sixth sense, as she navigates family upheaval, eerie discoveries, and the challenges of being an Air Force child. With a backdrop of historical intrigue and personal growth, this story promises suspense, heartwarming moments, and a touch of the supernatural. Perfect for readers who love a blend of history, mystery, and coming-of-age drama.