The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer is the story of the incredible spiritual adventures that shaped, Trance Medium, Summer Bacon's, life. From her awareness in infancy of her purpose on earth, to her awakening as a Trance Medium, she is "gifted with memories of a life that others may struggle to believe is real."A natural-born mystic, Summer was eleven months old when she had her first awareness of herself as a spiritual being, and consciously decided, "I'm going to find out what this truth thing is about once and for all." Her breathless journey to the heart is filled with incredible, and sometimes terrifying, paranormal experiences, when an encounter with the beautiful spirit, Dr. Peebles, through Trance Medium, Thomas Jacobson, changes her life. Out of body experiences, alien encounters, ghost-busting, the channeling of hundreds of spirits (including a band of frisky pirates), are just some of the stories you will read about her life. God and Spirit guide Summer in profound ways as she journeys through a life filled with the challenges of rape, spousal abuse, and near poverty. She emerges victorious as the mother of two beautiful daughters, and as an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and Trance Medium.The Cellars & Ceilings of Summer earned a Reader's Favorite five star review."The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer: The Autobiography of Trance Medium Summer Bacon by Summer Bacon is a different kind of memoir that explores supernatural and spiritual themes in the author's story and journey in understanding and accepting her unique gift. One of the most powerful mediums of our time tells her story. In the acknowledgments, the reader hears the voice of urgency and love: "I needed to write this book from my truth. I needed to be clear and honest and direct. I needed to tell you everything. About the lies, the abuse, the uncertainty, the joy, the love, the passion, and wonder." But what is it all about?"This is the story of a unique gift. The author is gifted with spiritual insight and can connect to memories of a life that is hard to believe is real and she discovered that she had this gift when she was just eleven months old. Determined to understand the spiritual part of her life, the author undertakes a journey to unveil the truth - the core truth of her existence. Follow her journey through supernatural phenomena, out-of-body experiences, powerful spiritual insights, encounters with aliens, remote viewing, and a lot more. Here is a person who is so gifted spiritually but who suffers human abuse and rape. But how does she survive, given her consciousness and what she can do? That is what readers find out in this well-crafted and honest narrative. Fans of Lobsang Rampa will enjoy this book. The style is unique, the prose beautiful and crisp, and the entire writing filled with clarity and light. The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer: The Autobiography of Trance Medium Summer Bacon is an inspiring story that awakens the sense of the spiritual in each of us." -Christian Sia, Reviewer
The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer is the story of the incredible spiritual adventures that shaped, Trance Medium, Summer Bacon's, life. From her awareness in infancy of her purpose on earth, to her awakening as a Trance Medium, she is "gifted with memories of a life that others may struggle to believe is real."A natural-born mystic, Summer was eleven months old when she had her first awareness of herself as a spiritual being, and consciously decided, "I'm going to find out what this truth thing is about once and for all." Her breathless journey to the heart is filled with incredible, and sometimes terrifying, paranormal experiences, when an encounter with the beautiful spirit, Dr. Peebles, through Trance Medium, Thomas Jacobson, changes her life. Out of body experiences, alien encounters, ghost-busting, the channeling of hundreds of spirits (including a band of frisky pirates), are just some of the stories you will read about her life. God and Spirit guide Summer in profound ways as she journeys through a life filled with the challenges of rape, spousal abuse, and near poverty. She emerges victorious as the mother of two beautiful daughters, and as an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and Trance Medium.The Cellars & Ceilings of Summer earned a Reader's Favorite five star review."The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer: The Autobiography of Trance Medium Summer Bacon by Summer Bacon is a different kind of memoir that explores supernatural and spiritual themes in the author's story and journey in understanding and accepting her unique gift. One of the most powerful mediums of our time tells her story. In the acknowledgments, the reader hears the voice of urgency and love: "I needed to write this book from my truth. I needed to be clear and honest and direct. I needed to tell you everything. About the lies, the abuse, the uncertainty, the joy, the love, the passion, and wonder." But what is it all about?"This is the story of a unique gift. The author is gifted with spiritual insight and can connect to memories of a life that is hard to believe is real and she discovered that she had this gift when she was just eleven months old. Determined to understand the spiritual part of her life, the author undertakes a journey to unveil the truth - the core truth of her existence. Follow her journey through supernatural phenomena, out-of-body experiences, powerful spiritual insights, encounters with aliens, remote viewing, and a lot more. Here is a person who is so gifted spiritually but who suffers human abuse and rape. But how does she survive, given her consciousness and what she can do? That is what readers find out in this well-crafted and honest narrative. Fans of Lobsang Rampa will enjoy this book. The style is unique, the prose beautiful and crisp, and the entire writing filled with clarity and light. The Cellars and Ceilings of Summer: The Autobiography of Trance Medium Summer Bacon is an inspiring story that awakens the sense of the spiritual in each of us." -Christian Sia, Reviewer