"Caught Bread Handed" is an enchanting mystery novel, skillfully crafted by the talented author Ellie Alexander. Set in the charming town of Ashland, Oregon, this book is a delightful addition to the Bakeshop Mystery Series. Our protagonist, Jules Capshaw, once again finds herself embroiled in an investigation when a local restaurant owner is found dead, and all fingers point towards Jules as the prime suspect.
Alexander weaves a tale rich with suspense, humor, and a dash of romance, as Jules works tirelessly to clear her name and uncover the true culprit. Readers will be captivated by the vivid portrayal of Ashland's community, its Shakespearean backdrop, and the mouth-watering bakery descriptions that are a hallmark of Alexander's writing.
With its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and signature twists, "Caught Bread Handed" is a must-read for fans of cozy mysteries and culinary delights. Whether you are a loyal reader of the series or new to Jules Capshaw’s adventures, this novel promises to keep you guessing until the very end.