Winner at the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards. Full of warmth and promise, this picture book about the magic bond between parents and their baby girl will soon win the love of parents from all over the world.
They say the first time you watch your newborn, your heart gives a little thrill, and that is when you know you are going to love the little creature in your arms forever. These parents experienced it and they lovingly welcome their young child, as they explain to her what to expect of the world. Watching her offspring grow up and accompanying her during this beautiful process will be indeed healing for them, as through her eyes, the eyes of a child, they will discover the world once again.
Filla is a story for parents and children alike, an invitation to love unconditionally, to remind all daughters that their moms and dads will be there every step of the way through the wonderful adventure that is life.
Do you have a daughter? Then you have to know this heart-melting publishing phenomenon that moms and dads from all over the world are falling in love with.
Premi Independent Publisher Book 2020. Un conte tender i ple de color sobre el vincle mgic que hi ha entre els pares i les seves filles petites que enamorar tots els pares del mn.
Des del seu llanament, Filla no ha deixat de rebre les crtiques ms increbles, tant de part dels lectors com dels mitjans especialitzats, fins a convertir-se en un best-seller instantani a les plataformes digitals i a les llibreries. A travs de les pgines d'aquest conte es poden tractar temes tan importants com les emocions, la incertesa, els reptes del creixement i tamb les ganes de descobrir, en famlia, totes les meravelles d'un mn infinit. Aquest llibre s perfecte per a les nenes que encara han de nixer, per a les nenes ms petites de la casa i tamb per a aquelles mares que sempre veuran les seves filles com la seva "petita", tinguin l'edat que tinguin.
Filla s una histria tant per als pares com per als fills, una invitaci a estimar incondicionalment, per a recordar a totes les filles que les seves mares i pares hi seran a cada pas del cam a travs de la meravellosa aventura que s la vida.
Tens una filla? Llavors has de conixer aquest fenomen editorial que est enamorant les mares i pares de tot el mn.