Currently, despite their skills and work ethics, members of ADHD, autism, Tourette Syndrome, learning differences, and related communities face drastic barriers to hiring and advancement. In the U.S., 30-40% of neurodivergent people and 85% of autistic college graduates struggle with unemployment. Like canaries in the mine, they are impacted by issues that ultimately harm everyone. Lack of flexibility, transparency, and psychological safety excludes neurodivergent, disabled, and multiply marginalized talent--and leaves most employees stressed and disengaged. This unique book is a guide to change-making for CEOs, managers, HR leaders, and everyone who wants to contribute to building a more inclusive world. The authors' over 25 years of experience spanning global diversity to neurodiversity leadership and extensive research on innovative practices of uniquely inclusive organizations around the world inform this books'
- Explicitly intersectional approach to (neuro)inclusion
- Holistic understanding of humans and their social, cognitive, emotional, and physical differences.
- Holistic approach to organizational talent practices, from creating job descriptions and recruiting to onboarding, performance management, and leadership development.
- A globally inclusive approach that centers, celebrates and invites multiple voices from the neurodivergent community.
- A "lead from where you are" approach to change-making.
This groundbreaking book combines the lived experience with academic rigor, innovative thought leadership, and lively, accessible writing. To support different types of readers, academic, applied, and lived experience content is clearly identified, helping readers choose their own adventure.