Butterflies for Dada is the sweet yet heartbreaking story of a little girl named Mazzy, who unexpectedly loses her father. As nanny to dear Mazzy for three years, Luisa Loo built an unparalleled bond with Mazzy through their shared love for imagination and play. When Dada was suddenly taken from them, Luisa Loo became an anchor for Mazzy, helping keep her Dada's spirit alive. Read more at ButterfliesForDada.com
Butterflies for Dada is the sweet yet heartbreaking story of a little girl named Mazzy, who unexpectedly loses her father. As nanny to dear Mazzy for three years, Luisa Loo built an unparalleled bond with Mazzy through their shared love for imagination and play. When Dada was suddenly taken from them, Luisa Loo became an anchor for Mazzy, helping keep her Dada's spirit alive. Read more at ButterfliesForDada.com