Poor or inaccurate communication is extremely costly. A survey of 400 corporations (with 100,000 plus employees in the U.S. and U.K.) estimated that ineffective or inaccurate communication costs the average organization $62.4 million per year in lost productivity. (Inc.(R), Michael Schneider, 2018) Smaller companies are also affected by poor communication. Companies of 100 employees or less lose an average $420,000 per year in productivity from miscommunication. SHRM(R), 2016, Debra Hamilton).
Business Communication: A Practical Guide is designed for you to develop and use the best tools possible to transmit ideas in all activities as well as in specialized areas, with the greatest effectiveness and profit. Whether you are an employee in a corporation, an entrepreneur, a teacher or in a government agency, you will find this book to be a practical guide.
From a business standpoint, the authors present practical, usable approaches to written and verbal communication for all facets of business: Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Research and Development, Engineering, Production, Information Technology, and Executive.
As one reviewer of this book stated: "Clear directions for a beginner, clear refresher to an experienced writer."
The authors hope this book will find a key spot on your bookshelf and be used as a continuing reference guide.
Please check our web site: https: //managementapracticalguide.com where you will also find information on our other textbook: Management: A Practical Guide.