Bush Leaguers is an irreverent comedy-adventure comic book series about a down-and-out baseball team, set in the rough-and-tumble world of Gilded Age New York, written by Robert McKeon and Sam Fletcher, and illustrated by Joe Flood, published by Scout Comics. The Brooklyn Bridegrooms are the scourge of late nineteenth-century New York. The cranks hate them, the team owner is plotting to shut them down, and Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt wants to lock them up. Most of the team are indifferent to their plight, save for one player: Skip Lapwhistle, the alter-ego of a former seamstress who dons a fake mustache and a baseball cap, and traded life in the sweatshop for life on the diamond. With the team on the brink, it's up to Skip to rally the team, stop the team owner's plot, evade Roosevelt's clutches, and bring back the spirit of the game to the City.
Bush Leaguers is an irreverent comedy-adventure comic book series about a down-and-out baseball team, set in the rough-and-tumble world of Gilded Age New York, written by Robert McKeon and Sam Fletcher, and illustrated by Joe Flood, published by Scout Comics. The Brooklyn Bridegrooms are the scourge of late nineteenth-century New York. The cranks hate them, the team owner is plotting to shut them down, and Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt wants to lock them up. Most of the team are indifferent to their plight, save for one player: Skip Lapwhistle, the alter-ego of a former seamstress who dons a fake mustache and a baseball cap, and traded life in the sweatshop for life on the diamond. With the team on the brink, it's up to Skip to rally the team, stop the team owner's plot, evade Roosevelt's clutches, and bring back the spirit of the game to the City.