- Machines for Your Room. Be the master of your domain with the Door Knocker, Light Switcher, and Door Opener.
- Machines for Around the House. Get your chores done (and improve your personal hygiene) with the Plant Waterer, Toothpaste Squeezer, and Soap Dispenser.
- Machines for Fun and Nonsense.The Flag Raiser, Marble Launcher, Music Maker, and Balloon Popper are guaranteed to both amaze and amuse.
- Machines for Food. With the Vending Machine, Candy Dispenser, and Cookie Dunker, snacking has never been so fun!

Build Your Own Chain Reaction Machines: How to Make Crazy Contraptions Using Everyday Stuff--Creative Kid-Powered Projects!
by Paul Long
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- Machines for Your Room. Be the master of your domain with the Door Knocker, Light Switcher, and Door Opener.
- Machines for Around the House. Get your chores done (and improve your personal hygiene) with the Plant Waterer, Toothpaste Squeezer, and Soap Dispenser.
- Machines for Fun and Nonsense.The Flag Raiser, Marble Launcher, Music Maker, and Balloon Popper are guaranteed to both amaze and amuse.
- Machines for Food. With the Vending Machine, Candy Dispenser, and Cookie Dunker, snacking has never been so fun!