Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag: Your 72-Hour Disaster Survival Kit
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- Photos and explanations of every item you need in your bag
- Resource lists to help you find and purchase gear
- Practice exercises that teach you how to use almost everything in your bag
- Demonstrations for multi-use items that save pack space and weight
- Specific gear recommendations for common disasters The book even includes special considerations for bugging out with children, the elderly, the physically disabled, and even pets. A disaster could strike your home at any moment. Are you prepared to face the devastating aftermath? Protect yourself and your family by building a Bug Out Bag today!
- Photos and explanations of every item you need in your bag
- Resource lists to help you find and purchase gear
- Practice exercises that teach you how to use almost everything in your bag
- Demonstrations for multi-use items that save pack space and weight
- Specific gear recommendations for common disasters The book even includes special considerations for bugging out with children, the elderly, the physically disabled, and even pets. A disaster could strike your home at any moment. Are you prepared to face the devastating aftermath? Protect yourself and your family by building a Bug Out Bag today!