Explore the streets of Budapest while flipping through the photography in this coffee table book. One of my favourite things to experience in Budapest were the renown thermal baths. I highly recommend taking time to visit these on your travels. My favourite one was "Rudas Baths" which dates back to the 16th century. Another less known fact, before uniting into one city, Buda and Pest were separate towns. Enjoy the beautiful architecture and famous river throughout this book!

Explore the streets of Budapest while flipping through the photography in this coffee table book. One of my favourite things to experience in Budapest were the renown thermal baths. I highly recommend taking time to visit these on your travels. My favourite one was "Rudas Baths" which dates back to the 16th century. Another less known fact, before uniting into one city, Buda and Pest were separate towns. Enjoy the beautiful architecture and famous river throughout this book!