Brody's Review: Living Environment 2019 is back! Just in time for the 2019 Regents, this Regent review contains a concise study of the material usually asked on during the Regents followed by actual regents questions from past regents. Additionally, this book was made with the Torah true student in mind and adheres to the requirements of halacha and our mesorah, making this a truly unique study guide. So, go ahead and give it a try it and watch your grades soar!

Brody's Review: Living Environment 2019: Living Environment Review in Less Than 100 Pages
by M. Brody
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Brody's Review: Living Environment 2019 is back! Just in time for the 2019 Regents, this Regent review contains a concise study of the material usually asked on during the Regents followed by actual regents questions from past regents. Additionally, this book was made with the Torah true student in mind and adheres to the requirements of halacha and our mesorah, making this a truly unique study guide. So, go ahead and give it a try it and watch your grades soar!