The final installment of the Shady Woods series...
Grace and Riah head to Madison for their freshman year of college in the shadow of Grace's missing cousin, possibly dead uncle, and a hometown that's being overrun with wilds who don't care so much for the traditions set or the laws in place.
Though they're nervous about zipping up their abnormal tendencies in order to blend in with the masses, they make new friends with Riah's roommate, the girl across the hall, and a lone wolf who grew up normal.
As things heat up to a boiling point back home, Grace comes to realize their identities aren't as well kept under wraps as they'd hoped, not to mention their new friends have some concerning secrets of their own.
When the truth is forced to the surface, Grace and Riah must chance being hunted in order to gather enough support to fight for the haven that Shady Woods was always meant to be.