Exoplanet hopping to rescue alien children from formidable foes takes courage and ingenuity and maybe a little help from the universe. But can you find your way home." ... the kind of experience we all yearn for when we look at the stars and imagine distant planets" (Goodreads Review) "A fun, cosmic adventure!" (Amazon Review) "This novel was a "STAR" read for me;" (Amazon Review) Jas and Gloria lose contact with Kaspi's Observatory and instead of returning to Earth, the teens land on Erde where a terrifying foe controls life forms' minds. No one knows what happens to the eggs the swan-lizard steals and takes to Aquatica, an underwater city, because no life forms return to the surface. Jas and Gloria must find a way to free the imprisoned species and destroy the swan-lizard's teleporters before he sends his army to attack Earth. Readers say The Summer Triangle Trilogy is like Stranger Things and A Wrinkle In Time.
Exoplanet hopping to rescue alien children from formidable foes takes courage and ingenuity and maybe a little help from the universe. But can you find your way home." ... the kind of experience we all yearn for when we look at the stars and imagine distant planets" (Goodreads Review) "A fun, cosmic adventure!" (Amazon Review) "This novel was a "STAR" read for me;" (Amazon Review) Jas and Gloria lose contact with Kaspi's Observatory and instead of returning to Earth, the teens land on Erde where a terrifying foe controls life forms' minds. No one knows what happens to the eggs the swan-lizard steals and takes to Aquatica, an underwater city, because no life forms return to the surface. Jas and Gloria must find a way to free the imprisoned species and destroy the swan-lizard's teleporters before he sends his army to attack Earth. Readers say The Summer Triangle Trilogy is like Stranger Things and A Wrinkle In Time.