Embark on a heartwarming journey with "Breath of Courage," a delightful tale set in the lively neighborhood of Happyville. Join spirited brothers, Tiger and Chance, as they prepare for the much-anticipated school talent show. When nerves kick in, their wise friend, Mr. Beanie, introduces them to the transformative power of mindful breathing.
In this enchanting story, children discover the magic of resilience, mindfulness, and the joy of being authentically themselves. As Tiger and Chance face the talent show with courage, young readers learn essential lessons about embracing unique talents and the calming breath of courage.
Written for ages 5-10, "Breath of Courage" is more than a story; it's a gentle guide for children to navigate anxiety, embrace mindfulness, and celebrate their individuality.
Make this heartwarming book a cherished addition to your child's library and open the door to a world where every breath is a step towards bravery and self-discovery.