Brass Into Gold

Brass Into Gold

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Brass Into Gold is a combination of stories about two women who became friends later in life. They both had different paths in life but fate brought them together and they shared a bond that is beyond time and location.

Ursula was born into wealth and had a wonderfully blessed childhood until the war came and changed everything. Despite the many struggles, she carved a path for herself in an uncertain world as she traveled from country to country and finally made her home in America. She became a nurse and had many adventures along the way. Some which were sad and some which she truly enjoyed.

The author, Francesca, on the other hand, was born without a great deal of wealth or comfort, however, she had love and made a way for herself in the same uncertain world Ursula was experiencing. Francesca married and had children, however, wanted to pursue an education and she did. She is now 100 years old and enjoying every day as a successful business woman.

Come, read about these remarkable women and you will agree we can all achieve anything when we are determined to do so.

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