Ivo lived in a great big shell. That floated in the sea. He wrote stories to make the time pass. Millions and millions of stories. More than a shell could hold. More than a boy's life could hold. A boy named Ivo lives in a giant moon snail shell on a beach. One day, a wave carries him out to sea. While he waits to be rescued, he makes the best of his time writing story poems on the walls inside the shell. In his poems, Ivo introduces you to characters such as dolphin, the nicest creature in the ocean who brings him a crayon when he needs a new one. Crab who takes over when Ivo sleeps and writes crabby poems. There's carrot boy who eats so many carrots that he turns into a rabbit. And two sibling pups taken in by different owners and can't stop looking for each other. John Himmelman's masterful collection of poems--each illustrated in full-color art--is filled with unforgettable characters and begs to be read time and time again.","price":16.99,"gtin":"9780823458455","brand":"Margaret Ferguson Books","product_link":"https://www.discountmags.com/products/boy-who-lived-in-a-shell-hardcover","images":["https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/books/9780823458455_a8ebf87.jpg"],"item_group":"2417173"}
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