Peter Rosenstein's memoirs are chock full of stories - from teaching to politics, and everything in between. Inside these pages, Rosenstein shares his amazing experiences from around the world, both professional and personal journeys over the years. From backpacking across Europe with friends, to working with Bella Abzug volunteering for, and meeting, Hillary Clinton, to running for assembly himself, and eventually, coming out to friends and family - Peter defines what it means to living life to the fullest. Through sharing his experiences, he hopes to inspire others with the same passion for activism, politics, travel, and people, and show readers working to improve the lives of others, can in turn, make their own life so much better.

Born This Gay: My Life of Activism, Politics, Travel, and Coming Out
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Peter Rosenstein's memoirs are chock full of stories - from teaching to politics, and everything in between. Inside these pages, Rosenstein shares his amazing experiences from around the world, both professional and personal journeys over the years. From backpacking across Europe with friends, to working with Bella Abzug volunteering for, and meeting, Hillary Clinton, to running for assembly himself, and eventually, coming out to friends and family - Peter defines what it means to living life to the fullest. Through sharing his experiences, he hopes to inspire others with the same passion for activism, politics, travel, and people, and show readers working to improve the lives of others, can in turn, make their own life so much better.