Step into the untamed frontier, full of dramatic gunfights, relentless betrayals, and an impassioned quest for revenge...
In the lawless lands of the 1880s, Ted Shea, a rancher teetering on the edge of financial ruin, clings to the desperate hope of successfully driving his precious herd of cattle to the prosperous markets of Kansas. Standing in his way is a merciless adversary determined to see him fail-and willing to employ any means necessary.
Threatened with the loss of everything he holds dear, Ted finds an unexpected ally in Dan Parmalee, a drifting loner renowned for his sharpshooting skills. But as the dusty trail stretches before them, they quickly realize that this endeavor is more than just a battle against nature's elements.
With lives hanging in the balance, two men must summon every ounce of expertise to protect not only the cattle, but also each other-if they have any hope of surviving the blood-drenched trail to Kansas.