Blaise Pascal Quotes: Blaise Pascal, quotes, quotations, famous quotes

Blaise Pascal Quotes: Blaise Pascal, quotes, quotations, famous quotes

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"The Best Blaise Pascal Quotation Book ever Published. Special Edition This book of Blaise Pascal quotes contains only the rarest and most valuable quotations ever recorded about Blaise Pascal, authored by a team of experienced researchers. Hundreds of hours have been spent in sourcing, editing and verifying only the best quotations about Blaise Pascal for your reading pleasure, saving you time and expensive referencing costs. This book contains over 35 pages of quotations which are immaculately presented and formatted for premium consumption. Be inspired by these Blaise Pascal quotes; this book is a niche classic which will have you coming back to enjoy time and time again. What's Inside:
  • Contains only the best quotations on Blaise Pascal
  • Over 35 pages of premium content
  • Beautifully formatted and edited for maximum enjoyment
  • Makes for the perfect niche gift for you or someone special
Enjoy such quotes such as: A trifle consoles us, for a trifle distresses us.
Blaise Pascal

All human evil comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a room.
Blaise Pascal

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.
Blaise Pascal

All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling.
Blaise Pascal

As men are not able to fight against death, misery, ignorance, they have taken it into their heads, in order to be happy, not to think of them at all.
Blaise Pascal

Atheism shows strength of mind, but only to a certain degree.
Blaise Pascal

... And much more!

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