Black Chaos comes again in 25 MORE frightful - and frightfully funny - tales of the zombie, from the wilds of 19th century Canada to the farthest edge of the galaxy, and from college dorms to Wal-Mart. You may think you know zombies, but not these! Featuring work by: Terry Alexander, Bo Balder, Aislinn Batstone, Steven E. Belanger, Thomas Canfield, Angel Luis Coln, D. Jason Cooper, Jim Cort, James Dorr, J. Boone Dryden, Sean Ealy, Gary Ives, W.P. Johnson, Brenda Kezar, DeAnna Knippling, Wayne Laufert, Jason S. Ridler, Anna Sykora, Gabriel Valjan, Deborah Walker, Ian Welke, R.A. Williamson, Dawn Wilson, Joriah Wood, and Nu Yang.
Black Chaos comes again in 25 MORE frightful - and frightfully funny - tales of the zombie, from the wilds of 19th century Canada to the farthest edge of the galaxy, and from college dorms to Wal-Mart. You may think you know zombies, but not these! Featuring work by: Terry Alexander, Bo Balder, Aislinn Batstone, Steven E. Belanger, Thomas Canfield, Angel Luis Coln, D. Jason Cooper, Jim Cort, James Dorr, J. Boone Dryden, Sean Ealy, Gary Ives, W.P. Johnson, Brenda Kezar, DeAnna Knippling, Wayne Laufert, Jason S. Ridler, Anna Sykora, Gabriel Valjan, Deborah Walker, Ian Welke, R.A. Williamson, Dawn Wilson, Joriah Wood, and Nu Yang.