We are passionate about having every person be musically skilled in keeping a steady beat and singing in tune. We know that every baby at birth has a genius level for music potential, which then decreases from there. Therefore, this compiled curriculum, BITTY BOPS PreK MUSIC CURRICULUM, begins unlocking that potential right after birth, through play and informal instruction. Here is a curriculum that gives every preschool child musical freedom, with fast delivery right to your daycare, home, or preschool. BITTY BOPS is comprised of three-books-in-one (INFANTS Ages Birth-1, TODDLERS Ages 2-3, and PRESCHOOLERS Ages 4-5) that are research-based, field-tested, informal music instruction, and it includes all the best current preschool music publications and practices. BITTY BOPS is a uniquely compiled resource (1) to creatively dove-tail each lesson from activity to activity, providing appropriate scope and sequence, whereby (2) all lessons are musically comprehensive (modally, rhythmically, metrically, stylistically) across an entire semester, so that (3) all active music participations (listening, singing, chanting, moving, playing, performing, improvising, and creating) are included in every teacher-created lesson. BITTY BOPS is designed for informal instruction, much like what happens in a preschool academy or daycare setting for learning through play. Formal instruction is learning through focused schoolwork; whereas, informal instruction is based on learning through play. There is no more engaging fun than music play!
We are passionate about having every person be musically skilled in keeping a steady beat and singing in tune. We know that every baby at birth has a genius level for music potential, which then decreases from there. Therefore, this compiled curriculum, BITTY BOPS PreK MUSIC CURRICULUM, begins unlocking that potential right after birth, through play and informal instruction. Here is a curriculum that gives every preschool child musical freedom, with fast delivery right to your daycare, home, or preschool. BITTY BOPS is comprised of three-books-in-one (INFANTS Ages Birth-1, TODDLERS Ages 2-3, and PRESCHOOLERS Ages 4-5) that are research-based, field-tested, informal music instruction, and it includes all the best current preschool music publications and practices. BITTY BOPS is a uniquely compiled resource (1) to creatively dove-tail each lesson from activity to activity, providing appropriate scope and sequence, whereby (2) all lessons are musically comprehensive (modally, rhythmically, metrically, stylistically) across an entire semester, so that (3) all active music participations (listening, singing, chanting, moving, playing, performing, improvising, and creating) are included in every teacher-created lesson. BITTY BOPS is designed for informal instruction, much like what happens in a preschool academy or daycare setting for learning through play. Formal instruction is learning through focused schoolwork; whereas, informal instruction is based on learning through play. There is no more engaging fun than music play!