Bits and Pieces of Crittenden County, Arkansas History are just that. What were 176 postings, Facebook has expanded to over 400 bits of the County's history. The posting with a footnote after them is part of the early work. Those with a line under it were contributors. Crittenden County, Arkansas, was formed on October 5, 1825, by the Special Territorial General Assembly at the Post of Arkansas from February 7 to February 24, 1820. The twelfth county formed came form came from land taken from Phillips County. Another special Session was held at the Post of Arkansas, October 2 to 25, 1820.
Bits and Pieces of Crittenden County, Arkansas History are just that. What were 176 postings, Facebook has expanded to over 400 bits of the County's history. The posting with a footnote after them is part of the early work. Those with a line under it were contributors. Crittenden County, Arkansas, was formed on October 5, 1825, by the Special Territorial General Assembly at the Post of Arkansas from February 7 to February 24, 1820. The twelfth county formed came form came from land taken from Phillips County. Another special Session was held at the Post of Arkansas, October 2 to 25, 1820.