(Bilingual English-French edition) A wealthy merchant's prize possession is a beautiful bird. Believing that he loves the exotic creature too much to set it free, the merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans. This is one of a series of illustrated books for the young written by the Afghan philosopher and educator Idries Shah, whose collections of narratives and teaching stories have captivated the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life. It belongs to a rich storytelling tradition from Afghanistan, Central Asia and the Middle East that is more than 1,000 years old. These tales are more than entertaining; they are designed specifically to foster thinking skills and perception. They suggest in their structure and in the movement of their characters ways of looking at difficulties that can help solve them. Children will learn that it is good to observe others in order to learn, and that sometimes the actions of others are not all that they first seem to be.
(dition bilingue anglais-franais) Un riche marchand possde un magnifique oiseau exotique. Il l'aime trop pour pouvoir lui rendre sa libert. Il va apprendre que les animaux sont parfois plus aptes que les humains apprendre par l'exemple. Le Parent de l'oiseau est un des titres de la collection de livres illustrs pour les jeunes crits par le philosophe et ducateur afghan Idries Shah, don't les recueils de rcits et d'histoires-enseignements ont captiv le coeur et l'esprit de lecteurs de tous horizons. Il s'inscrit dans une tradition fconde et plus que millnaire de storytelling qui a sa source en Afghanistan, en Asie centrale et au Moyen-Orient. Les enfants y dcouvriront qu'il est bon d'observer les autres afin d'apprendre, et que parfois les actions d'autrui ne sont pas du tout ce qu'elles semblent tre premire vue.