Bilingual New Testament, English - French

Bilingual New Testament, English - French

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The "Bilingual New Testament, English - French" is derived from the English American Standard and French Louis Segond de 1910 translations

Printed in 10-point text on white paper for easy reading, verses are paired in classical Biblical English and French making it simple to follow and compare both versions of the text.

Example verses:

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life."

Jean 3:16 "Car Dieu a tant aim le monde qu il a donn son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne prisse point, mais qu il ait la vie ternelle."

Note that the texts have been edited to allow pairing of verses which can result in some verse numbers that differ from other Bibles.


Matthew - Matthieu
Mark - Marc
Luke - Luc
John - Jean
Acts - Actes
Romans - Romains
I Corinthians - I Corinthiens
II Corinthians - II Corinthiens
Galatians - Galates
Ephesians - Ephésiens
Philippians - Philippiens
Colossians - Colossiens
I Thessalonians - I Thessaloniciens
II Thessalonians - II Thessaloniciens
I Timothy - I Timothée
II Timothy - II Timothée
Titus - Tite
Philemon - Philémon
Hebrews - Hébreux
James - Jacques
I Peter - I Pierre
II Peter - II Pierre
I John - I Jean
II John - II Jean
III John - III Jean
Jude - Jude
Revelation - Apocalypse

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