Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques (Digital)

Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques (Digital)

1 Issue, Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques 3rd Edition

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Calliper brakes: fitting blocks

Calliper brake blocks don’t wear out as quickly as V-brake blocks, but they’ll still need occasional attention.
Calliper brakes: fitting blocks
The calliper mechanism means you can’t apply as much force to the block to stop you as you can with a V-brake, so it’s worth investing in good-quality brake blocks and replacing them when they’re worn. Good makes include Aztec, Shimano and Kool-Stop. Of the three types of rim brake, calliper blocks are the easiest to change. Give your rims a good clean at the same time, and check them for wear. There are only two types of fitting for brake pads – most common are 4 or 5mm Allen keys, but some need a 10mm Allen key. You may decide when you’ve got the old brake block off that it will survive a little longer – if so, clean it up carefully. Use a sharp knife to pick out…
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Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques (Digital) - 1 Issue, Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques 3rd Edition

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