Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques (Digital)

Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques (Digital)

1 Issue, Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques 3rd Edition

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Mending a broken chain

After punctures, chain repairs are the most common task you’ll carry out. Nine out of ten broken chains occur when undue pressure is applied to a chain that’s in the process of shifting between gears.
Mending a broken chain
The combination of angle and stress is too much for the fragile, put-upon chain and it gives way, leaving you suffering a sudden loss of drive and balance and possibly vaulting over the bars if you were stamping hard on the pedals at the time, too. Learn how to use your gears correctly and you’ll avoid unnecessary problems; similarly, keep your drivechain in good condition, as old, worn and neglected chains are more likely to let you down under pressure. For most chain problems, you’ll need a chain tool. These can be annoying to carry as they only do one job but it’s extremely hard to botch a chain repair using anything else. Several manufacturers, like Park and Topeak, make good chain tools that also fold so invest in a…
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Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques (Digital) - 1 Issue, Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques 3rd Edition

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