Are you struggling with...
- sensory overload,
- anxiety and stress,
- distractibility,
- emotional reactivity,
- procrastination,
- or other symptoms of an ADHD mind?
You are not alone
In his debut book, Sam Led shares his own experiences with ADHD and how he found a sense of ease and peace despite his noisy ADHD mind. Sam learned that he did not have to be afraid of his ADHD experience. He discovered a deeper intelligence underneath the noise of his thinking, and with this understanding, Sam was able to drop his suffering and begin THRIVING in life.
Throughout this book you will:
- Recognize your innate intelligence and wisdom underneath a noisy ADHD mind
- Gain a fresh new understanding of the nature of thought and how the mind really works
- Discover what is possible when we take our mind and thinking less seriously
- Learn how to tap into your strengths for a more peaceful and happy life
... and more!