This book is a full overview of the topics Leah has taught and talked for the last 25+ years. It uses the Cage of Oppression model to explore and discuss everything from privilege to implicit bias, allyship to internalized oppression. It is written from Leah's unique perspective of engaging with one another from compassion and curiosity. The hope is it becomes a stepping stone in creating real change in the fields of social justice and organizational culture change. The purpose is to create a common experience and common language to bring people together who don't necessarily always agree, who don't hold the same beliefs, and who sometimes become defensive and withdraw from one another. This is a model that can be used "across the aisle," allowing us to recognize the importance of different perspectives and work to change behavior (mine and yours) so we all can play nice in the sandbox.
If you are a DEI professional, you need this book. If you are a leader with a mind and eye on issues of equity and respect, you need this book. If you are an educator looking for ways to meet the needs of diverse learners, you need this book. If you think you know anything about diversity, equity, inclusion, race, implicit bias, and so much more... you need this book.