The Best American Travel Writing 2015 includes Iris Smyles, Paul Theroux, Christopher Solomon
Patricia Marx, Kevin Baker, Benjamin Busch, Maud Newton
Gary Shteyngart, Paul Salopek,
and others
ANDREW MCCARTHY, guest editor, is the author of the New York Times best-selling travel memoir The Longest Way Home. He has served as an editor at large at National Geographic Traveler and been named travel journalist of the year by the Society of American Travel Writers. He is also an actor and director. JASON WILSON, series editor, is the author of Boozehound: On the Trail of the Rare, the Obscure, and the Overrated in Spirits and the digital wine series Planet of the Grapes. He has written for the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Daily News, and many other publications. He is the founding editor of The Smart Set and Table Matters.
The Best American Travel Writing 2015 includes Iris Smyles, Paul Theroux, Christopher Solomon
Patricia Marx, Kevin Baker, Benjamin Busch, Maud Newton
Gary Shteyngart, Paul Salopek,
and others
ANDREW MCCARTHY, guest editor, is the author of the New York Times best-selling travel memoir The Longest Way Home. He has served as an editor at large at National Geographic Traveler and been named travel journalist of the year by the Society of American Travel Writers. He is also an actor and director. JASON WILSON, series editor, is the author of Boozehound: On the Trail of the Rare, the Obscure, and the Overrated in Spirits and the digital wine series Planet of the Grapes. He has written for the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Daily News, and many other publications. He is the founding editor of The Smart Set and Table Matters.