Beating a Path to a Sustainable Fruit Garden in Less Than 30 Days: Growing Fruit Trees and Berries from Dirt to Harvest with Pots, Containers, and Rai

Beating a Path to a Sustainable Fruit Garden in Less Than 30 Days: Growing Fruit Trees and Berries from Dirt to Harvest with Pots, Containers, and Rai

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Want a lasting fruit garden that could provide you a lifetime of delicious fresh fruits? How to successfully build a sustainable fruit garden...and enjoy the fruits of your labor?

We live in a stressful world where so many foods are genetically tampered with, it's hard to know what is safe to eat or not. Sometimes if you want it done right, it's best to do it yourself. That's exactly how things were for me growing up, learning how to grow my own home gardens from watching others.

At first, it was hard for me to consider getting into gardening because I had no idea where to begin. How do I gather or use compost? Climate zones and soil pH levels? It's one thing to pluck a ripe fruit from the plant, but how can I preserve it to last for a long time? Starting a garden may seem like a daunting task at first, but it's really a lot more enjoyable once you know what to do.

Inside this book, you will discover:

  • How you can plan and create a lasting fruit garden that both looks beautiful and provides privacy at essentially anywhere at home.
  • The basics on what every gardener needs to know...but is rarely talked about.
  • Quick, simple, and thrifty methods to gather materials to build up your dream garden.
  • The various methods of raised garden beds, including ones uncommonly used.
  • How to grow a multitude of fruit bushes and trees in a variety of setups.
  • Ways to implement various grafting, transplanting, and pruning techniques.
  • A variety of methods to safely deal with weeds, pests, and critters in a cost-effective manner while being safe for your plants, kids, and pets.
  • The gardening lingo you'll need to understand the language and what they mean.
  • How you can properly harvest and store your fruits until you're ready to enjoy.

Yes, your sustainable fruit garden is possible to setup in as soon as 30 days and can last you a lifetime, if you so choose to. You will be on your way to becoming a proper horticulturist, even if you never planted a seed in your life.

No matter where you are in your gardening journey, or how much or how little your experience, we all start our gardens from dirt to harvest!

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