Be Still: God's Grace Is Bigger than Worldly Deceit: Recognizing Your Potential and Finding Your Godly Purpose

Be Still: God's Grace Is Bigger than Worldly Deceit: Recognizing Your Potential and Finding Your Godly Purpose

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We live in a world full of turmoil, deceit, and outright confusion. The Bible tells us one thing, but our culture tells us something completely the opposite. What society says is "normal" looks good and feels even better. We fill our minds, souls, and hearts with earthly fulfillment to constantly satisfy this void that the world insists is ordinary. But the reality is seeking worldly acceptance and fulfillment only makes life feel heavier, emptier, and more exhausting.

There is truth that overcomes every single lie that the enemy instills into "normalcy." This truth comes from our mighty Creator who treasures your heart and wants you to trust Him and His good plan. God created us to feel joyful, loved, and passionate and longs to see us live out a life of purpose using the spiritual gifts that He instilled in us.

This book will take you on a journey to dissect the misconceptions about what brings true fulfillment. Through real stories, false perceptions, and hopefully some humor, you will realize you are not alone in fighting the fight against the pressures of society. You will learn how God and His blessings bring true fulfillment if you just allow Him to take the pen of your life and help you see what you were created to do. God's plan brings an overwhelming joy and contentment if you recognize that He uniquely designed every piece and part of you to do something only you can do. You are a perfect child of a loving God with a special purpose, and the goal of this book is to help you truly see and believe that, despite the lies that the world is constantly shouting.

If you are looking for fulfillment, purpose, and joy, this is the book for you.

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