The future of electric vehicles relies nearly entirely on the design, monitoring, and control of the vehicle battery and its associated systems. Along with an initial optimal design of the cell/pack-level structure, the runtime performance of the battery needs to be continuously monitored and optimized for a safe and reliable operation and prolonged life. Improved charging techniques need to be developed to protect and preserve the battery. The scope of this Special Issue is to address all the above issues by promoting innovative design concepts, modeling and state estimation techniques, charging/discharging management, and hybridization with other storage components.

Battery Management System for Future Electric Vehicles
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The future of electric vehicles relies nearly entirely on the design, monitoring, and control of the vehicle battery and its associated systems. Along with an initial optimal design of the cell/pack-level structure, the runtime performance of the battery needs to be continuously monitored and optimized for a safe and reliable operation and prolonged life. Improved charging techniques need to be developed to protect and preserve the battery. The scope of this Special Issue is to address all the above issues by promoting innovative design concepts, modeling and state estimation techniques, charging/discharging management, and hybridization with other storage components.