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Basic Reading Series, Level E Reader, Kittens and Children: Classic Phonics Program for Beginning Readers, ages 5-8, illus., 254 pages

Basic Reading Series, Level E Reader, Kittens and Children: Classic Phonics Program for Beginning Readers, ages 5-8, illus., 254 pages

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The BASIC READING SERIES K-2 phonics program is back!

The BASIC READING SERIES (BRS) is a successful and proven phonics program for beginners. It has a dedicated and faithful following among teachers and parents who want an alternative to discredited teaching methods. The BASIC READING SERIES is now available in a low-cost, paperback edition for homeschool and classroom learning.

* For Every Kind of Learner-Children of all ability levels benefit from BRS. That's because the program puts such a strong emphasis on the regular and predictable features of the language before any irregular or confusing elements are introduced.

* Structure, Pattern, and Consistency-The carefully controlled structure of the series and the incremental buildup of predictable spelling patterns (or "word families") makes the program almost self-teaching for many children. Once they learn a pattern, they can unlock dozens of words that fit the pattern.

* Discovery: A Natural Way to Learn-We know that all children have a natural capacity for inductive learning. After all, they come to school possessing language - a language they learned wholly through observation and discovery. BRS builds on that natural ability and enables children to discover how the written form of their own language can be turned back into the words they already know and speak!

* Decoding Underlies Comprehension-The language children already comprehend is the basis for their first decoding efforts. A brisk and concentrated approach to code learning produces confident, successful readers who can then undertake greater comprehension challenges.

* Independence Is the Goal-BRS turns beginners into independent readers as early as possible. By achieving early mastery of the phonic code, BRS students can more quickly give their full attention to meaning without interference from mechanical difficulties.

* Comprehension in BRS-The Basic Reading Series lays the foundation for comprehension of every kind: literal, interpretive, critical, and creative. \

* BRS Components: 7 Readers and 6 Workbooks

Level A: A Pig Can Jig (Parts 1 & 2)

Level B: A Hen in a Fox's Den

Level C: Six Ducks in a Pond

Level D: A King on a Swing

Level E: Kittens and Children

Level F: The Purple Turtle

* What's covered in Level E?

Everything in Levels A-D, plus vowel digraphs and diphthongs, the 5 "long" vowels, inflected endings, and multi-syllabic words with unstressed first or last syllables.

The BRS Story

Dr. Donald Rasmussen and Lynn Goldberg developed the BASIC READING SERIES (BRS) in the early 1960s at the Miquon School, a small parent-teacher cooperative near Philadelphia. At that time, most children were taught to read using the "sight" or "look-say" method epitomized by the "Dick and Jane" readers, and many were left behind. Don and Lynn knew there must be a better way, so they spent five years developing their own reading program based on the work of linguist Leonard Bloomfield. They called their method "inductive whole-word phonics, with a strong linguistics research base".

After tryouts in inner-city and suburban schools around the country and almost a dozen revisions, BRS was published by Science Research Associates (SRA) and enjoyed great success. Over the years, other reading methods have come and then gone out of favor. Now, decades later, phonics is recognized as the scientific approach to reading instruction, and the BRS is again available for young readers.

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