Basic Basque Dictionary: Learning Euskara One Word at a Time

Basic Basque Dictionary: Learning Euskara One Word at a Time

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Learn Euskara One Word at TimeNo matter whether traveling to the Basque country as a tourist, an exchange student, or with the intention of moving there as an expatriate, this guide will serve you well. Euskara is a distinct and unique idiom, rich with words and phrases. Intended for English speakers, this book shares common slang words and phrases that will help you communicate in everyday situations like ordering dinner in a restaurant, shopping at the market for fresh produce, flirting, getting street directions, or hiring a taxi.

That said, be advised this little book is neither a complete course in learning the Basque Language, neither is it a textbook. Instead, it is a basic introduction to the Basque language, a good pocket beginners guide you can handily carry on your travels either in your back pocket or tucked away in a backpack.

As an eBook, it is even more portable. Before you go, consider taking the time to learn a few Basque words and phrases so you can speak street Euskara like a local. This guide contains a wealth of words and expressions that you can look up when you hear, or read them, in order to know what is going on around you. Even better, spend a night curled up with the book gaining familiarity with the wisdom it contains. That way, when you hear a vaguely familiar word on the street, you will know which page to consult in order to refresh your memory. Knowing at least some street talk will pay big dividends. Instead of being seen as some soul-less gringo tourist, the locals will hold you in much higher esteem. As a result, you may make new friends, and as a bonus perhaps get a better hotel room or lower prices while shopping.

A Sampling of Basque Vocabulary/Hitztegia
  • Streets - Kaleak
  • Shops - Dendak
  • Beaches - Hondartzak
  • Restaurants - Jatetxeak
  • Dance clubs - Dantza klubak
  • Hotels - Hotelak
  • Grocery stores - Janari-denda
  • Market - Merkatua
  • Tapas: - Pintxos
  • Seafood - Itsaski
  • Fish - Arrainak

Part One, from A to Z, lists words in English along with their Basque translation. Then in part two, vocabulary is listed in groups to make them easy to find, ie: Colours, animals, places, food, flavours, days of the week, weather and people, and so on. Know that modern Basque is spoken by about a half million people in Euskal Herria, a region spanning the Spanish/French border, that encompasses four provinces in Spain and three in France. In Bilbao, because of the city's size and diversity, one mainly hears Spanish. That said, some Basque words and phrases like, Kaixo, Agur, and Eskerrik asko, are more frequently spoken than their Spanish counterparts. But mere miles away in smaller villages, Basque/Euskara is the first language.

Top Twenty Basque Words You Should KnowAgur - Goodbye
Aita - Dad
Ama - Mom
Arratsalde on - Good afternoon
Aupa - Howdy/hey
Bai - Yes
Bai ote? - Really?
Barkatu - Excuse me
Egun on - Good morning
Erdera - Any language other than Basque
Eskerrik asko - Thank you
Euskara - Basque
Ez - No Gabon - Good evening/Good night
Geldi! - Stop
Hementxe! - Over / right here!
Kaixo - Hello
Lasai - Take it easy
Mesedez - Please
Ongi etorri - Welcome
Osaba - Uncle
Topa! - Cheers!
Zorte on! - Good luck
    Consider investing in your future happiness by reading this dictionary before you travel to the Basque Country. Click the Buy Button at the top of your page and a minute from now you can begin exploring the language and culture of this charismatic land and its people.
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