Why did Jesus command his disciples to baptize as they went out into the world? What is the point of baptism?
Baptism is important for all Christians who wish to follow Christ's teachings. This Baptism Comparison pamphlet is a quick, clear summary of the biblical teachings on baptism and compares methods practiced by Christians around the world. In the Baptism Comparison pamphlet, you will learn:
- How baptism is a symbol that points to Christ's death and resurrection
- Why some Christian groups baptize infants and others baptize believers who can verbalize their faith
- Does baptism mean that a person has "automatic" salvation?
Baptism Comparison includes topics such as:
- Why be baptized? (Jesus' teaching and other Bible passages)
- What does baptism mean?
- What happens during a baptism?
- How do I prepare to be baptized?
- Why do some Christians practice believer's baptism only? (Includes Bible passages used to support this view.)
- Why do some Christians perform infant baptism? (Includes Bible passages used to support this view.)
Baptism Comparison is an excellent resource for confirmation classes, new believers, parents of youngsters or teenagers, or anyone who has ever wondered about Christian Baptism.