In his debut work, Haviland persuasively illustrates that the notion of equality is antithetical to the core of scientific knowledge. Furthermore (even assuming honourable intentions), equality is being misinterpreted, leaving us in a world where 'variance' has simply been outlawed.
In any conceivable form now, different outcomes by race, gender, religion, sexuality etc. are viewed by society as problems which must be solved, rather than interesting facts to understand. This is what is meant by Banalysis (banal analysis) - the denial of variance.
In our understandable desire to enforce equality on a world which clearly does not want it, society has made a serious misstep for which we are now paying the price. Failed multiculturalism, spiralling crime rates in London, the rise of gender dysphoria, the assault on masculinity, confusion over race or gender, and the inability to deal with Islamic terrorism, are all symptoms of a deeper malaise - our inability to effectively discriminate has left the West in a crisis of identity.