There Isn't a Soul on the Planet This Spirit Hasn't Touched
Baal, the god-demon among demons, is running rampant today, destroying relationships in homes and at work. Have you had friends suddenly betray you for no reason and with no remorse? Do you know someone who is never there when you need them? Is that boss at work treacherous and untrustworthy? Today, even Christians are betraying Christians. These are not just personality traits or people not seeing eye-to-eye. Baal is afoot. This book will show you how it is the spirit behind single-parent homes, betrayal, divorce, corporate backstabbing, friendlessness, anger issues, murder-suicide, teen cutting, and more. It is the end-time demon to watch out for, and this book will show you how to identify it and its cohorts, Jezebel and Ahab, and how you can gain victory over it.
A rare find! Baal, The Covenant Breaker is a deeper look into the method of operation of this spirit called Baal. Understanding this spirit from a firsthand perspective, Ms. Kravchenko shares the way this diabolical spirit infiltrates the world today.
-Debbie Graves
Deliverance Minister at My Father's House
Baal, The Covenant Breaker is a very revealing book. It opens your eyes to see how Satan is using all of his tools to turn people against other people at every turn, especially Christians.
-Don Amelung
Interim Pastor