Awakened by the Hidden Poet

Awakened by the Hidden Poet

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Does God exist? Does God act in human affairs? In this presumptuous, bold, audacious and impertinent novel of faith and love, Lucien Christopher, an independent scholar seeks answers about miracles. On his search he meets a fortune-teller with a mysterious poetic note and amulet, leading him on a cryptic path to find the truth.

Lucien is led by the Hidden Poet to find the love of his life, a love that leads him to study two holy objects about Jesus of Nazareth. They soon find themselves buried in the clutches of merciless authorities in a plot to destroy ancient information.

What is Truth? Does it exist objectively? Is Truth a matter of subjective belief? These are timely questions that demand explanations, and we have all been left without a framework to help us choose the right answers. This moving, romantic story will satisfy the seeker's search for answers in a deeply hidden fabric of truth and love that will open your eyes and leave you sparked with a fresh, awakened view of life, death, and meaning.

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