Book description:
This book is about starting a conversation with your child about what the social definition of
race is and what it is not, and how they fit in it. This is not intended to be a scientific lesson
or to create guilt or shame in anyone. On the contrary, it is to assure the reader that we are
all equally humans, with many different physical features which some people call "races". From
that definition, everyone, without exception, is a "mixed-race human", or if you prefer to think
differently, then no one is a mixed-race human, just human. The choice is yours.
Este libro trata de iniciar una conversacin con sus nios sobre cul es la definicin social de raza y lo qu no es, y cmo ellos encajan en ella. Esto no pretende ser una leccin cientfica o crear culpa o vergenza en nadie. Por el contrario, es para asegurar al lector que todos somos igualmente humanos, con muchas caractersticas diferentes que algunas personas llaman razas. A partir de esa definicin, todos, sin excepcin, son "humanos de raza mixta", o si prefieres pensar como otros, entonces nadie es un humano de raza mixta, solo humano. La opcin es tuya.