Arduino: Getting Started With Arduino and Basic Programming With Projects (Advanced Methods to Learn Arduino Programming)

Arduino: Getting Started With Arduino and Basic Programming With Projects (Advanced Methods to Learn Arduino Programming)

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This book is the all-in-one for beginners, as all the necessary basics for working with an arduino regarding hardware, software & programming are explained in detail.

In this course, aimed specifically at beginners, you will learn all the basics you need to know when working with an arduino. By the way, we will work exclusively with the arduino uno in this book, as this arduino model is perfect for beginners.

You will find information about::

  • What is arduino?
  • Why is the use of arduino so popular?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of arduino.
  • Arduino mega server. What is it and how to use it?
  • Arduino ide. What is it and how to use it?
  • Arduino projects that everyone must to try.

The text is written in simple language to make it accessible, and every effort has been made to clarify the concepts indispensable for perfect understanding of the process of programming a microcontroller, making it useful to the widest possible audience and thus preparing the foundation that serves as a starting point for further study and the basis for what will follow in the other two volumes that continue the series.

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