The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury
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As an inventor, Atterbury was responsible for one of the country's first low-cost, prefabricated concrete construction systems, introducing beauty and inexpensive good design into the lives of the working classes. The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury is the first book to showcase the rich and varied repertoire of this prolific architect whose career spanned six decades and whose work affected the course of American architecture, planning, and construction. Illustrated with Jonathan Wallen's stunning color photographs and over 250 historic drawings, plans, and photographs, it also includes a catalogue raisonn and an employee roster. It is the definitive source on an architect who made an indelible imprint on the American landscape.
As an inventor, Atterbury was responsible for one of the country's first low-cost, prefabricated concrete construction systems, introducing beauty and inexpensive good design into the lives of the working classes. The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury is the first book to showcase the rich and varied repertoire of this prolific architect whose career spanned six decades and whose work affected the course of American architecture, planning, and construction. Illustrated with Jonathan Wallen's stunning color photographs and over 250 historic drawings, plans, and photographs, it also includes a catalogue raisonn and an employee roster. It is the definitive source on an architect who made an indelible imprint on the American landscape.