This series of six illustrated stories were compiled by the late authors, Selim Hakim and Izeldin Alyasin, and first published in 1947. They are designed for school children at grades 3 - 4 of elementary education at equivalent levels in Arabic speaking countries. The English translation of the titles are: (1) The cat and the mice, (2) The silver fish, (3) Husam goes in the train, (4) Santoosh, the Indian girl, (5) The flying car, (6) The faithful Dutch boy.
This series of six illustrated stories were compiled by the late authors, Selim Hakim and Izeldin Alyasin, and first published in 1947. They are designed for school children at grades 3 - 4 of elementary education at equivalent levels in Arabic speaking countries. The English translation of the titles are: (1) The cat and the mice, (2) The silver fish, (3) Husam goes in the train, (4) Santoosh, the Indian girl, (5) The flying car, (6) The faithful Dutch boy.