Teach children how to read facial expressions so they can stay safe and know who to trust.
Facial expressions expert Annie Sarnblad shares her own story about how she learned to read the universal language of facial expressions across countries and continents and how she taught her children to use this skill to keep themselves and others safe. Annie has guest lectured at Harvard, Stanford, and the Museum of Science in Boston.
Annie and the Secret Language of Faces is a fun, illustrated story with a GUESS THE EXPRESSIONS game included.
It is perfect for:
- Ages 4-10
- Parents, libraries, and classrooms that teach kids to identify and discuss emotions and nonverbal communication
- Anyone who is interested in the emotions of others
- Anyone who is interested in children's safety and well-being
This book will teach children and adults to recognize the intentions of others by reading their facial expressions. Facial expressions are the non-verbal and universal language of our species.
In a world that is not always safe, it is extremely important that children and their caregivers have a clear vocabulary to communicate with each other about what they observe in the people around them.