The Animal Adventurer's Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed--50 Acti Vities to Get Wild with Animals

The Animal Adventurer's Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed--50 Acti Vities to Get Wild with Animals

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Calling all animal lovers! 50 hands-on activities and adventures that bring you closer to wild animals than you've ever been.

Have you ever followed animal tracks in the mud or chased after the glowing trail of a firefly in the night sky? Want to know how to hold a snake, feed a bird from your hat, and help salamanders cross the road? If so, you're not just an animal lover--you're an animal adventurer, and this is the book for you. It's packed full of hands-on activities and projects that bring you closer to wild animals than ever before--from feathery birds and furry mammals to slippery herps, crawly arthropods, and other intriguing invertebrates. You'll get insider tips about tools and techniques of the trade, become a citizen scientist, and then record handy field notes about all your amazing animal discoveries.

Look inside to learn how to:

  • Track wild animals any time of year
  • Use a flashlight for night vision to spy on nocturnal animals
  • Start your very own animal scat collection and impress your friends
  • Build a wildlife blind and become invisible to animals around you
  • Collect things like snakeskins, fossils, and feathers
  • Keep a wild guide to your own backyard
  • And so much more!
  • Paperback
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