An Unabridged Edition of the 1918 Printing to include All Twelve Chapters, Preface, and The Unity Underlying All Religions (Original Introduction) at book's end, with all Footnotes, Charts and Illustrations: Preface - The Physical Plane - The Astral Plane - Kamaloka - The Mental Plane - Devachan - The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes - Reincarnation - Reincarnation (Continued) - Karma - The Law of Sacrifice - Man's Ascent - Building A Kosmos - The Unity Underlying All Religions.

The Ancient Wisdom: An Outline of Theosophical Teaching
by Annie Besant
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An Unabridged Edition of the 1918 Printing to include All Twelve Chapters, Preface, and The Unity Underlying All Religions (Original Introduction) at book's end, with all Footnotes, Charts and Illustrations: Preface - The Physical Plane - The Astral Plane - Kamaloka - The Mental Plane - Devachan - The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes - Reincarnation - Reincarnation (Continued) - Karma - The Law of Sacrifice - Man's Ascent - Building A Kosmos - The Unity Underlying All Religions.