The Ancestor Connection
Discover How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides, Ancient Ancestors, and Your Genealogical Heritage
By Jade Asikiwe
Build a unique bond with your ancestors and discover your spiritual self you never knew existed
Have you ever wondered how it would feel to connect with the spirit of your ancestors?
Do you wish to experience the euphoric feeling of having psychic gifts?
Do you ever question the very reason of your existence and wish to understand its true meaning?
If you're curious to unlock the answers to the above questions, then you have found the key!
Though it may be hard to believe, you can actually connect with your spirit guides and find the answers to all your questions.
The spirits embrace communicating with living beings and share their emotions.
They are willing to share the gifts and profoundness of the spiritual world with you and help you explore the hidden realms of nature.
And what's more interesting is that you are already chosen - you share an unbreakable bond with your ancestors since the day you were born!
They are an inseparable part of your life, and always will be.
All you need is to know the right way of communicating with the spirits and make generous offerings to honor them.
In Ancestral Veneration, you'll discover:
- Meaningful insight into the art of ancestral veneration - and how it's practiced in different religions and cultures
- Carefully-laid instructions for practicing ancestral veneration for beginners, or those who want a quick recap of the practice
- How to connect with your spirit guides and honor them using this key element
- A collection of hand-picked prayers to facilitate communication with spirits - and a mini-guide on how to write your own
- How to reap maximum rewards of ancestral veneration by making simple offerings - and when to do it
- The only ingredient you'll need for a successful spell
- DIY tips on how to create your own smudge bundle
- A tightly curated list of common plants and herbs for ancestral veneration - and the directions to find which of them carry your ancestors' spirits
And so much more!
You may have laughed off the idea of ancestral veneration and spirits being your guiding light when you first heard about it.
But these powers do exist, and they have a great influence on your life. They are your line of defense between you and all the evil powers and negative energy around you.
Practicing ancestral veneration will develop your understanding of both the visible and the invisible realms of nature, allowing you to interact with them on a greater level.
With the knowledge of the right techniques to practice veneration rituals, you can form a strong connection with your spirit guides in no time.